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SparkFun Weather Shield
![SparkFun Weather Shield](  
[*SparkFun Weather Shield (DEV-12081)*](
Weather Shield is an Arduino shield that gathers relative humidity, barometric pressure, temperature, light intensity, as well as optional rain, wind direction, and wind speed (using optional [external weather gauges](
Toni Klopfenstein's avatar
Toni Klopfenstein committed

Toni Klopfenstein's avatar
Toni Klopfenstein committed
Repository Contents

* **/Firmware** - Example Arduino sketch to demostrate how to read from the various sensors.
* **/Fritzing** - Fritzing Example wiring images
* **/Hardware** - All the Eagle PCB design files (.brd, .sch).
* **/Production** - Test bed files and production panel files

* **[MPL3115A2 Library](** - MPL3115A2 library required for Weather Shield examples. 
* **[Si7021 Library](** - Si7021 humidity sensor library required for Weather Shield examples. 
* **[Hookup Guide](** - Basic hookup guide for the Weather Shield.
* **[SparkFun Fritzing repo](** - Fritzing diagrams for SparkFun products.
* **[SparkFun 3D Model repo](** - 3D models of SparkFun products. 
* **[HTU21D Library](** - The HTU21D humidity sensor was used on older versions of the Weather Shield so if you have an older version you may need this library to run the examples.
License Information

This product is _**open source**_! 

Please review the file for license information. 

If you have any questions or concerns on licensing, please contact

Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.

- Your friends at SparkFun.