SparkFun Weather Shield ======================== [![SparkFun Weather Shield](]( [*SparkFun Weather Shield (DEV-13956)*]( Weather Shield is an Arduino shield that gathers relative humidity, barometric pressure, temperature, light intensity, as well as optional rain, wind direction, and wind speed (using optional [external weather gauges]( Repository Contents ------------------ * **/Firmware** - Example Arduino sketch to demostrate how to read from the various sensors. * **/Fritzing** - Fritzing Example wiring images * **/Hardware** - All the Eagle PCB design files (.brd, .sch). * **/Production** - Test bed files and production panel files Documentation -------------- * **[Installing an Arduino Library Guide](** - Basic information on how to install an Arduino library. * **[MPL3115A2 Library](** - MPL3115A2 library required for Weather Shield examples. * **[Si7021 Library](** - Si7021 humidity sensor library required for Weather Shield examples. * **[Hookup Guide](** - Basic hookup guide for the Weather Shield. * **[SparkFun Fritzing repo](** - Fritzing diagrams for SparkFun products. * **[SparkFun 3D Model repo](** - 3D models of SparkFun products. * _**[HTU21D Library](** - The HTU21D humidity sensor was used on DEV-12081 and prior versions of the Weather Shield so if you have an older version you may need this library to run the examples._ Product Versions ---------------- * [DEV-13956]( V12 w/ Si7021 * _[DEV-12081 (Retired)]( HTU21D_ Version History --------------- * [v12]( - Latest Version * [v1.1]( - Initial release License Information ------------------- This product is _**open source**_! Please review the file for license information. If you have any questions or concerns on licensing, please contact Distributed as-is; no warranty is given. - Your friends at SparkFun.